The central theme of Dense Piece is density, a situation in which the creators and performers destroy and build, get stuck, collide, heat, recycle, fall, and come to an end in themselves. But above all, in Dense Piece, they can exist honestly in their co-created world and their set of rules. 

There is no need for the performers to show off; they are guided by the very process that they have mutually established. This piece also demonstrates the democratic way in which AHA Collective works, regularly changing roles and tasks. Working in a way that prioritises research, i.e. allowing for rather than wanting, allows the audiences to absorb a wide range of information delivered through music, movement, bodies, and light. Dense Piece is positioning itself among such abstract dance performances in which the performers preserve their personal voices, leaving the spasmodic wanting in the dressing room and devoting themselves to the presentation of their research. The performance’s pulsation, the play’s tension and energy, reveals a world that has certainly existed before, and the dancers just let us see it. 

#this world was always here #take a look into it #unpretentiously #mind wide open

creators, performers: Barbara Eyassu-Vincze, Márton Gláser, Imola Kacsó, Luca Kancsó, Balázs Oláh, Vivien Piti * music: Áron Porteleki * light: Virág Rovó * consultant: Ármin Szabó-Székely * producer: SÍN Arts Centre

© Szabo R Janos




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